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Home » Its All About YOU – the Book

Its All About YOU – the Book

Its All About YOU – the Book by Kevin Jones

Originally published in 2006
Revised release date in 2025

Kevin Jones initially published this book in 2006 as a guide for his three children.  Kevin, his wife, two youngest children and their two dogs were in a near fatal off road accident.  They all survived but that day opened up question after question and the one that bothered Kevin and his wife the most were the ones about the children.  Biggest question was, who they had set up to take their place if something happened tragically would they provide the knowledge and insight that Kevin and his wife wanted to instill into their minds.

For six months Kevin wrote and wrote and wrote.  Over 20 three ring binders with over 200 pages each of hand written notes.  Kevin knew there was no way any of his children would even attempt to read these binders.  While on a mastermind group call, Kevin asked a few to stay to help him with this.  One participant suggested to cut it down to 200 pages and publish it and the kids would always have access to the information.  And with that, Kevin Jones became and Author and now 6 books in and 19 working … it is exciting!

One of the greatest parts of the re-write is that we are writing and incorporating a workbook in the book and one here that can be printed and used as notes or a notebook.

Workbook currently being revised.

Its All About YOU … the Workbook

Personal  Inventory  Foundation 

 Who are you?   

What do you do for your career? 

Marital Status and Children? 

Where do you live? 

What vehicles do you own? 

Are you making enough money? 


Where is your comfort level about yourself so far?  You need to feel the different emotions that come up as you go through these different areas of your life.  If any of them are uncomfortable, they need to be addressed.  So the uncomfortable items, underline or highlight them and answer them truthfully and completely. 


Do you like who you are? 

Are you a likable type of person? 

Are you friendly? 

Do you have a lot of friends? 

Are you a good person? 


Again if any of these areas are uncomfortable, underline or highlight and answer them completely.  Remember the more you can explore (about yourself), the bigger the reward will be for you and your growth.  Remember, this is your foundation.  If you plan on building something big here, make sure this area is rock solid. 


Do you like your job? 

Are you good at what you do? 

Do your co-workers like you? 

How is your attitude towards your job? 

Do you want to do this job the rest of your life? 


The more honest you can be the more you will learn about yourself, no one else will see your answers so take your time and be thorough. 


Are you happy at home? 

Are you happy being single or married? 

Do you enjoy having or not having children? 

Are you close to your family? 

Do you want something different from your relationships with your family? 


One of the hardest things in life for most people is to be honest with themselves.  Without being honest, you will not have the breakthroughs that you truly deserve.  Allow yourself to let go and be honest, be brutally honest so that you can advance in your life and have the things that you really want, need and desire. 


What does your living quarters look like? 

Is it neat and clean or disorganized and messy? 

Where you live is it too big, too small, a good area or a bad area? 

Are you satisfied with where you live? 

Are you proud or embarrassed of where you live? 


Is the comfort level way out of reach or feeling a little unsure or strange?  This is okay, the biggest key is to bring out the different areas of your life and what you want to expand on to create a better lifestyle for yourself, through your emotions. 


What car do you drive? 

Is it newer, older, reliable, clean or dirty? 

Are you comfortable in it? 

Do you like your car? 

Are you proud of your car when you drive it? 


Realizing exactly where you are is an incredible thing.  Once you have done this and acknowledge it, you can begin the process of getting to the next level. 


How much money do you make? 

Is it enough to live on? Do you have extra money?  Or are you on a tight budget? 

Can you do the things you like to do? 

How much do you have saved or in investments? 

If you had more money, would it make your life better? 


There are a lot of things that you need to think about throughout your life.  One area that is continually overlooked by most are the next five questions.  They are incredibly important to who you want to become. 


What really matters in life? 

What is most important to you in life? 

What do you live for? 

What is your purpose? 

What can you not live without?


Now that you have touched on a few of the basics, how do you feel?

Is your life as you thought it would be when you where a little kid growing up?  Why not?

What is different than what you had imagined?

This should be in as much detail as you can.  The more detail, the more growth you will experience.


When you look at yourself, you need to be objective, honest and truthful to have maximum growth. 

Do you like who you are physically? 

How much do you weigh? 

Would you consider yourself underweight? Overweight? Just right?


Here is a tough exercise into reality:

Looking at yourself in the mirror naked, what do you see?

What does your spouse or partner see?

What would other people see?

Sometimes having someone from the outside looking in lets you see yourself in a different way. 


How is your Health? 

Do you have any pre-existing problems? 

Do you get an annual check up? 

How do you feel? 

Do you eat right? 

How often do you exercise?


When you wake up in the morning, what is the first thing you think of?

What are your thoughts throughout the day?

Are they positive or negative?

Are you angry or scared?

Possibly you could be worried or cheerful?

Maybe you are happy, excited or anxious?

Are you relaxed or motivated?

Do you feel down or depressed?

What caused these thoughts?



Where do you favor yourself in having an edge over others?

What can you do better than others?

What is something that you can do without really thinking about it?

A task that you are very efficient at doing. 

A Strength is a task that you have mastered.   




What are the things that you feel that you lack?

What would you like to be able to do?

Is there something you would like to do better?

Is there a skill you would like to learn or master?

What should you consider in your life to delegate?




Where do you spend most of the day?

What do you do all day long?   

How much time do you spend at home?

Where do you spend most of your time at home?

What do you do while you are at home?

Is this time for relaxation, work, entertainment, family, hobbies, enjoyment or purpose driven? 

What days do you work?

How many hours a day do you spend working?

What are you doing while you are at work?

Do you enjoy what you do?  Is your job stressful? 

How much time do you spend in your car?

Do you use your car for work?

Do you use your car for recreation?

How much of your time is spent inside your car?

How much time is spent outside?

How much time is spent away Away from the building, house, car, etc.

What do you do for personal time?

Do you go to sporting events, clubs, bars, or physical activities like the playing volleyball at the beach or hiking?

Are you more of a homebody that stays home and listens to music, watches television, read a book, studies, plays on the computer or video games? 



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